Nadi Da’awa is the students’ union of Taiba campus. It is formed and run by the students under the regulation of honorable faculty members principally to facilitate the academic, socio-cultural and organizational ambiance in the campus together with marking their roles in local and national concerns and issues.
Nadi Da’awa remarkably helps the students to build up their skills and talents, as well as it stands to provide a variety of services to the community and nation.
Nadi Da’awa works with its different divisions like Language club (Arabic, Urdu, English and Farsi), Speech craft, Publishing wing, Medical club, Social wing, Library wing…etc.
There are currently four Language clubs: Arabic, Urdu, English and Farsi. The language clubs are founded to ameliorate the communication, vocabulary and fluency in various languages .Each of the clubs offers the opportunity to learn and to practice particular language through ample activities.
The clubs plan to maintain a unique atmosphere of varied languages gradually to make the students comfortable in particular languages
The speech craft program’s objective is to develop and hone the literary skills of the students through building effective listening and communicating skills. The club encourages the students to involve in different kinds of presentations, speeches, debates…etc.
Realizing its function in enhancing confidence and talent of students they conduct speech craft program on every Thursday at the campus.
Libraries serve students by providing authentic material, information and resources to meet their needs and encouraging reading and researching skill. Definitely libraries help the students to discover for themselves by independent study.
The campus is having a full-fledged Islamic and academic library containing hundreds of books, booklets and magazines in different languages. For the maintenance and running of the same smoothly we formed a separate wing among the students.
The members of this wing will have a strong rapport with the books and a reading atmosphere through their day to day relation with library.
It is a truly compassionate club for the students to assist them in health related matters and to keep the campus cushy and healthy everytime. The club provides free medicines and guidance occasionally as required .
Medical club responsible students conduct health connected awareness classes and seminar on different occasions by eminent doctors and physicians collaborating with SWC .
Facilitating a common fear free platform to improve the writing skills and aptitude of students, we established a bureau to publish their articles in magazines. Publishing wing receives the articles in various languages from the students and publish it in wall magazine presently. Later on we plan to publish books, Manuscripts, magazines, pamphlets ….etc
It is a combat zone for students to explore and to express themselves. Obliviously they can interfere in contemporary issues through written and audio visual media in future based on their endurance gained and practiced within the campus.
There are many extremely important commands to perform social activities in Islam. Every human has the social responsibilities as well as his own individual responsibilities. The primary aim of the social club is to enable students to develop social commitment and collective responsibilities towards the nation and community.
It fosters active citizenship and builds students’ leadership skills and fortifies the humanitarian feelings like empathy, love, brotherhood, kindness….etc
Numerous programs and activities are being held under this club like Cleaning surroundings, charities, plantations, field trips etc…