Spiritual gathering and remembering Allah through Zikr, Darood, Qaseeda..etc is the most praiseworthy work to earn Allah's pleasure, the most effective weapon to overcome the stress and strain happening in our day to day life, and the most deserving of deeds in reward. It is the way of Islamic mysticism, the polish of hearts, and the key of all success.
Every Thursday we conduct a kind of spiritual gathering namely ‘Mehfil e Nurani’ including, Zirullah, Darood shareef, Qaseedah Burdah Shareef, Naat Shareef and Dua at the campus Masjid from Magrib to Isha. Our staff, students, orphans, guests and neighbors participate with great zeal and they return with immense ease.
One of the imperative objectives of this institute is preaching Islam. Practical Da’awa is an important fraction of this course as well as the theoretical.
Students are getting trained through the field visit and Da’awa trips. It supports them to preserve a humanitarian and a compassionate frame of mind towards the society. They use to do the filed Da’awa on holidays and special occasions.
A literary assembly is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure and amusing atmosphere. Students conduct this assembly every Thursday and perform different kinds of programs like speeches in Arabic, Urdu, English, Naats, Quranic recitation, etc...
Aiming at endowing students with versatile arms of knowledge and interacting with prominent personalities from the different walks of life we carry out lectures, seminars, trainings and so on by the ingenious scholars, doctors, trainers …etc.
Initially these kinds of programs are being leaded by the trainers from Indore and occasionally from out of M.P.
Brain Gym includes Brain Gym movements, exercises which will help the coordination of right left brain functions. This activity based program helps the students to develop their
To find out and to strengthen the potency of students, they involve in different types of cultural programs. As well as the management, students clubs also carry out an assortment of competitions. Like quiz, speeches in English, Arabic, Udu, Essay writing, Word hunting, drawing ….etc
It is an open platform to develop their level of confidence and competence. It assist the students to strengthen their strengths and to weaken their weakness.
Physical activity help improve academic performance. Sports and games develop students’ fitness and lower their risk of obesity. It will facilitate the students to boost their sports spirit and skills.
Innovative trips and tours always reinforce classroom teaching. It freshen the young mind of the students and stimulate them for further studies. It is kind of practical study through experience. Field trips fill their psyche with the natural tranquility and their body with fresh air.
We use to take the students to visit historical monuments, sacred places, natural serenity, zoo…etc.